
This is Cedarbird Farms - The sweetest little quarter acre we have carved out of large back yard. It is small for now, but it is ours.

Welcome flower lovers!

We are a family run flower farm with a mission to fill the hands and vases of those in the Kansas City region with fresh, local, and responsibly grown flowers. For good measure, we trialed a smaller flower patch in 2018. That went so well, we made it official and opened for business in 2019!

For the love of flowers

Cedarbird Farms has its roots in my childhood. Flowers filled the inside and outside of my house growing up. I had a mom who loved flowers so much, she not only grew them in her beautiful gardens, she painted them, she quilted them, she slip covered her furniture in them. I think about her often when I am in our little quarter acre. I wish she could see it in full bloom. She would be so proud. Here’s to you Mom. Thanks for planting in me the love of flowers.